بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
بمناسبة وصول عدد المتابعين الى 17 الف حبيت اهديكم باترون بسيط من كتاب
birthday sachets -1997
حسابي الانستقرام لعرض تطبيقاتكم
Insta: memoo.ib
شرح فديو للاكياس المعطره
cotton thread ( size 10 )
whait - 97 yards
Steel crochet hook = 1.80 mm
Satin - 6"*12"
Tapestry needle and thread
1/4" Ribbon - 1 yard
TREBLE CROCHET ( abbreviated tr )
YO twice, insert hok in st or sp indicated, YO and pull up a loop (4 loops on hook )
,( YO and draw through 2 loops on hook ) 3 times.
DECREASE ( uses next 4 ch - 1 sps )
YO twice, insert hook in next ch-1 sp, YO and pull up a loop, ( YO and draw through 2 loops on hook ) twice, YO twice, skip next 2 ch-1 sps, Insert hook in next ch-1 sp, YO and pull up a loop,
( YO and draw through 2 loops on hoop ) twice, YO and draw through all 3 loops on hook.
Rnd1 : ( Right side ): with pink, ch 2 , 10 sc in second ch from hook; join with slip st to first sc.
Note: Loop a short piece of thread around any stitch to mark Rnd 1 as right side.
Rnd2 : Ch 1 , sc in same st , ch 3 , skip next sc, * sc in next sc, ch3 , skip next sc; repeat from * around; join with slip st to first sc: 5 ch-3 sps.
Rnd3 : ( Slip st, ch1, 4 dc , ch1 , slip st ) in each ch-3 sp around; do not join : 5 petals.
Rnd4 : Ch2, working behind petals and in unworked sc on Rnd1, ( sc in next sc, ch3 ) around; join with slip st to first sc : 5 ch-3 sps.
Rnd5 : ( slip st, ch2 , 6 tr , ch2 , slip st ) in each ch-3 sp around; do not join: 5 petals.
Rnd6 : Ch 2 , working behind petals and in ch-3 sps on Rnd4, sc in first ch-3 sp between center 2 tr of first petal, ch4, ( sc in next ch-3 sp between center 2 tr of next petal, ch 4) around; join with slip st to first sc : 5 ch-4 sps.
Rnd7 : ( Slip st, ch 2 , 8 tr, ch 2 , slip st ) in each ch-4 sp around; do not join : 5 petals.
Rnd8 : Ch2, working behind petals and in ch-4 sps on Rnd6 , sc in first ch-4 sp between second and third tr of first petal, ch4 , skip next 4 tr, sc in same sp before next tr, ch 4 , * sc in next ch-4 sp between secoud and third tr of next petal , ch4 , skip next 4 tr, sc in same sp before next tr , ch4 , repeat from * around; join with slip st to first sc, finish off: 10 ch-4 sps.
Rnd1 : with right side facing and working behind petals, join Green with sc in any ch-4 sp on Rnd8; ( ch2, 2 tr, ch 1 , 2 tr , ch2, sc ) in same sp ( leaf made ), ( sc, ch2, 2 tr, ch1, 2tr, ch2, sc ) in each ch-4 sp around; join with slip st to first sc, finish off: 10 leaves.
Rnd2 : with right side facing, join Whith slip st in ch-1 sp at tip of any leaf; ch 7 ( count as first dc plus ch4 , now and throughout), dc in same sp, ch5, * ( dc, ch4 , dc) in ch-1 sp at tip of next leaf, ch5; repeat from* around; join with slip st to first dc : 20 sps.
Rnd3 : Slip st in first ch-4 sp, ch4 , ( dc, ch1 ) 4 times in same sp, sc in next ch-5 sp, ch1 ,
*( dc, ch1) 6 times in next ch-4sp, sc in next ch-5 sp , ch1 ; repeat from * around, dc in same sp as first dc, ch 1 ; join with slip st to third ch of beginning ch-4: 70 ch-1 sps.
Rnd4 : Slip st in first ch-1 sp, ch7, (dc in next ch-1 sp, ch 4 ) twice, decrease, * ch 4 ,
(dc in next ch-1 sp, ch4 ) 3 times , decrease; repeat from * around, ch2, hdc in first dc to form last ch-4 sp: 40 ch-4 sps.
Rnd5 : Ch 6 ( counts as first dc plus ch 3 , now and throughout ), (dc in next ch-4 sp, ch3) around; join with slip st to first dc.
Rnd6 : ( Eyelet rnd ): Ch 5, tr in next ch-3 sp, ch1 ,* tr in next dc, ch1 , tr in next ch-3 sp, ch1 ; repeat from * join with slip st to fourth ch of beginning ch-5 80 sts and 80 ch-1 sps.
Rnd7 : Ch 6, dc in same st, ch3, dc in next tr, * ch3, (dc, ch3) twice in next tr, dc in next tr repeat from * around, ch 1 , hdc in first dc to form last ch-3 sp: 120 ch-3 sps.
Rnd8 : Ch1, sc in same sp, ( ch4, sc in next ch-3 sp) around, ch2, hdc in first sc to form last ch-4 sp .
Rnd9 : Ch1, sc in same sp, ch4, (sc in next ch-4 sp, ch4 ) around; join with slip st to first sc, finish off.
Work same as Front through Rnd 6 of body: 80 sts and 80 ch-1 sps.
with wrong side of Frount and Back together, weave ribbon through Eyelet rounds , inserting pouch before closing. Tie ribbon in a bow.